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Entrepreneurial skills in a post-modern society (S. K.)

Creative thinking


The present “Learning Material”, specifically the 1 st and 3 rd part, is partly based upon joint research with Ph.D. candidates Valia Xanthopoulou-Tsitsoni and Sevasti Malisiova, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Economics. They both participated in the Summer School PhD Seminar, where they presented the topics “Festival Management: entrepreneurial skills to organize successful events” (Valia Xanthopoulou-Tsitsoni), and “Creativity futures: making it work in your city. Case study of Theatre in Thessaloniki” (Sevasti Malisiova). The 3 rd part of the “Learning Material” contains information and material from a literature review undertaken under the project “LOFT: LOcal products Festivals and Tourism development in cross-border cooperation Greece-Bulgaria”, a project under the European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013”, co-funded by the European Union (ERDF) and National Funds of Greece and Bulgaria.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Creative/cultural industries and their contribution to economic development
  3. What is “creative tourism”?
  4. Festivals as creative industries stimulating creative tourism
  5. Local products festivals and creative tourism development
  6. Conclusions
    Annex: Presentation in the Summer School August 2015 – Kalandra AUTh