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Module 9 - Organisational Behaviour and Leadership

Team work

Learning outcomes

After studying this topic, the participant will know/ will be able to:  Comprehend the concept of leadership, its types, its related theories, and the different leadership styles. In addition, participants will also be able to understand how the leadership styles and types can effectively influence the performance of the people working in a business enterprise.

Module objectives and aims

Firstly, the objective of this module is to introduce students briefly about the concept of organisational behaviour, and eventually develop the discussion to introduce them to the notion of leadership and its significance for business enterprises. This module also aims to offer some insights about the several organisational settings, facets and situations, which can facilitate effective leadership roles in a business enterprise.

Module list of content

  1. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour.
    1. Definition of an Organisational Behaviour.
    2. Key levels of analysis in organisational behaviour.
    3. Significance of organisational behaviour.
  2. Introduction to leadership.
  3. Leadership theories.
  4. Leadership styles.
  5. Case study on Festo
  6. Exercises

Key competences covered

An ability to cover several aspects of leadership roles and activities and how certain situations can help the development of leadership roles of a business organisation.


Organisational behaviour, Leadership, Leadership styles, Leadership traits, Leadership characteristics, Leadership theories.



  1. Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass & Stogdill's handbook of leadership: Theory, research, and managerial applications. (Third Edition), New York, NY: The Free Press.
  2. Bauer, T. N., & Erdogan, B. (2009). Organisational Behaviour. Washington D.C, USA: Flat World Knowledge.
  3. Evans, M. G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational behavior and human performance, 5(3), 277-298.
  4. Fiedler, F. E. (1964). A contingency model of leadership effectiveness. Advances in experimental social psychology, 1, 149-190.
  5. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall.
  6. Ivancevich, J. M., Konopaske, R. & Matteson, M. T. (2013). Organizational Behaviour and Management. (Tenth Edition), New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
  7. Kirkpatick, S. A., & Locke, E. A. (1991). Leadership: do traits matter? The executive, 5(2), 48-60.
  8. Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2009). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application. (Sixth Edition). Philadelphia, PA, USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  9. McKenna, E. F. (2000). Business psychology and organisational behaviour: A student's handbook. (Third Edition) East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press.
  10. Mullins, L.J. (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour. (Ninth Edition). Essex, UK: Pearson Education Limited.
  11. Northouse, P. G. (2012). Leadership: Theory and practice. (Sixth Edition), Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Sage Publications, Inc..
  12. Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T.A. (2013). Organisational Behaviour. (Fifteenth Edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall.
  13. Robbins, S. P., Judge, T.A., Millett, B., & Boyle, M. (2013). Organisational behaviour. (Fifteenth Edition/ Seventh Adaptation Edition), French Forest. New South Wales, Australia: Pearson Australia.
  14. Organisational behaviour. (Tenth Edition), Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall.

Further Reading

  1. Shamir, B., Arthur, M. B., & House, R. J. (1994). The rhetoric of charismatic leadership: A theoretical extension, a case study, and implications for research. The Leadership Quarterly, 5(1), 25-42.
  2. Berson, Y., & Avolio, B. J. (2004). Transformational leadership and the dissemination of organizational goals: A case study of a telecommunication firm. The leadership quarterly, 15(5), 625-646.
  3. Useem, M. (2010). Four lessons in adaptive leadership. Harvard business review, 88(11), 86-90.
  4. Goleman, D. (2000). Leadership that gets results. Harvard business review, 78(2), 4-17.
  5. Spreier, S. W., Fontaine, M. H., & Malloy, R. L. (2006). Leadership run amok. Harvard business review, 84(6), 72-82.